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David Pough
Forum Moderator
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Join date: Mar 29, 2024
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UYRRR, I'm David! Co-Founder of UYRInc. I wear many hats and I don't want to bore you with all of their titles! I'm writing this Bio as a reminder to others and especially myself that: "There is no right, but there are clear wrongs, and the easiest, clearest wrong is to do nothing!"
How it looks in the beginning has no precedent on how it'll look the more you do it; execution and application are everything! Add a bit of consistency and watch it change your life!
I know this is supposed to be a bio about me, However I'm not Too good at talking about myself. I like Community building, business Ideas, Marketing, Videography/editing and all around being at peace in my heart & Mind!
hopefully this gave you a bit of insight of my thoughts and feelings of who I'm striving to be! Tap-In with me whenever, about whatever and I'm sure I can help in some waY, even if it's just to listen!
Utilize Your Resources and always Strive to make it happen... No matter WHAT!
- Creator
- Videographer
- Photographer
- Marketer
- Open to Collab
- Open for Podcasts
- Open to Co-Host
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